Sunday 28 February 2016



(a)A Bitch should be allowed to mate at the 2nd heat. The first heat should be avoided because the bitch may not be capable to bear the reproductive load. (b) the actual heat, extends from the last one or two day of the estrus bleeding and for several days following.
Ovulation or the release of eggs, occur at the cessation of bleeding, roughly at the mid point of heat. (a) The ideal time of mating should be
10-14 days from the initial sign of bleeding. The bitch will allow the dog to mate during this period. A virgin bitch remains nervous and aggressive, and may resist the stud dog for mating. A bitch may not allow all dogs but may have a choice of a particular dog. The process of mating should be done in an isolated place free from human interference. The mating process may last for 30-40 minutes; usually less than 20-30 minutes.
(b) spermatozoa remains motile and viable in the female genital tract for about 5 to 6 days. Ovulation occurs about 24-48 hours after the onset of the true heat and the ova remains fertile for at least 4 days ovulation.
(a) Before mating the general health and the skin coat of both dog amd bitch should be examined and they should be free from ectoparasite burden and skin problem. Bitch should be dewormed with broad spectrum anthelmintics prior to mating.


1. Abnormal angulation of the vagina.

2. Growth in the vagina

3. Deformity of the back of the bitch.

4. Defect in the penis of the male.

5. Lack of libido.

6. Over friendship and intimacy between dog and bitch.

7. Mental agony and fright of virgin bitch.

8. Shyness in bitch due to not allowing to mix with other dogs.

9. Environmental temperature.

10. Testicular neoplasia.