Importance of EDB 2 in 1 Pack in Vet. Clinics

Recommendation of EDB 2 in 1 Pack to your Clients increases better effectiveness of Service in the following ways;

1. It safes time in collection and collation of dogs data (Birth & Health Record) in your clinic or brought to your clinic.

2. It helps to improve clients to Vet relationship.

3. It prevents strange Clients from abandoning or neglecting dogs in your clinic or Boarding kennel.

4. It improves Vet to Vet relationship irrespective of location and Country, when it comes to continuation of Medical treatment or Check Up of dogs referred to another clinic or Veterinary Teaching Hospital or when it owners change of location.

5. It improve your practice standard.

20% Discount is available to Registered Vets.

Order Some Packs for your Clinic Today…

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