Monday 21 December 2015


As a responsible dog owner or breeder. It's important you  examine your dog's body everyday. Just the way you examine yourself or your child, to know the health status and condition of the body.

The Following parts are important to be examined in dogs.

1. Eyes
2. Ears
3. Skin Coat
4. Nail and Dew Claw
5. Teeths
6. Head 
7. Anal Sac.


It is important you examine the eyes of your dog everyday against occurrence of occular discharge (Colour & density), foreign object or infection.
     Eyes are important body organ of all living creature. Various factors such as injury, infections or deficiency may affect the eyes of dogs leading to conjunctivitis, glaucoma and other aliments including blindness. The eye should not show tinge of yellow discolouration nor redness.
     In puppies, eyes are opened on the 9th to 10th day after they are born but if the pup does not open their eyes on the 12th day and if there is discharge along the edges of the lids, then it require a quick medical attention  of the Vet against infection or causes of thr discharge.
    The eyes of the dog should be washed regularly with clean fresh water and should be examined for the presence of any disorder or abnormal discharge.
    In some long haired dogs, eyes lashes may drop over  the eyes causing great irritation. In such cases trouble lashes should be plucked out to avoid the impending damage of the eyes. Sore eyes in dogs can be as a result of a diet low in Vitamin A. Puppies tend to get sore eyes if the diet of the mother is not adequate in Vitamin A during lactation period.
    Sometimes dogs suffer with blindness can be diagnosed on the basis of a Cloudiness of the eye.


Dogs                          Disease
Afghan hound  ---   Cataract
Beagle -----       Cataract, Glaucoma
Boston terrier - Cataract, Entropion
Mastiff ----- Entropion
Chow chow -- Entropion.
Cocker Spaniel   Glaucoma.
Daschaund -- Retinal atrophy.
Fox terrier --- Disrinchiasis.
German Shepherd -- Cataract.
Golden retriever -- Cataract.
Great Dane --- Ectropion, Entropion

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